The National Equality Register

Welcome to The National Equality Register - Click Here to Register or Login Here - In 2024 members pay a fee of £78 (£65 + Vat) - The National Equality Register is open to Employers and Employees..

Public focus has turned again onto equality issues. Join The Equality Register today. A 12 month membership is only £78 (£65 + Vat). Members have access to equality support and guidance and great online tools for all business types.

The National Equality Register

The National Equality Register holds information related to an organisation's Equality Status. Public focus has turned again onto equality issues. All organisations  are absolutely responsible for ensuring compliance with the requirements of the Equality Act 2010 and all equal opportunities legislation in force. Your equality policies and practices must comply.

There is a charge for joining and being a member of the National Equality Register. In 2024 members will pay an annual fee of  £78 (£65 + Vat).

Members will be granted unlimited access to the C2E resources in the users' area; this will make available valuable Reviews and Self-Assessments, Guidance and Planning tools to help members better manage their Equality Policies and Practices. In addition all members will have access to a new Members Network.

We are pleased to offer National Equality Register member organisations the opportunity to  use our unique online review process which allows Register members to confirm that they meet  the equality elements of PAS91 and Local Authority  Public Sector Equality Duty (PSED) requirements. There is no charge to National Equality Register members for using the Declaration of Compliance process. We recommend that members review their declarations annually to ensure that all information remains current.

In its written guidance to public authorities EHRC have suggested "that the PQQ is a good opportunity to find out about a potential supplier's track record on equality, both in terms of their technical competence or to determine any grounds of exclusion as permitted by relevant procurement law.  Many standard PQQs and several accreditation systems ask about:

  • equality performance 
  • equal employment opportunities
  • supporting evidence of compliance with the Equality Act, such as copies of policies and procedures 

Where equality is relevant, it is appropriate to ask for evidence of compliance with the Act (or equivalent legislation in other European countries), or evidence of liability in discrimination claims."

At no additional cost, National Equality Register members can record and certify their equality policies and receive an appropriate certificate that confirms their equality profile.

Once your account has been confirmed we will verify your details and provide access, we will send you an email telling you when you can login.

We are currently inviting organisations to arrange for their employees to undertake the C2E Service Delivery Certificate. For more details and to arrange certification.

The National Equality Register is managed through the Association of Equality Scheme Providers (AESP) to provide members with access to up to date information and details of the organisation's current equality status. The Register is in the Public domain and can be accessed online.